Daily news update: our selection of food and chef news from the worlds press

The Staff Canteen

Outgoing Gaucho MD Martin Williams to launch new restaurant venture

Martin Williams, the outgoing managing director of Gaucho, is to launch his own restaurant venture called 'M'.  Williams, who is set to leave Gaucho this month after nine years with the company, will open the first 'M' restaurant in an as-yet-undisclosed location in London before the end of this year.  Two further restaurants are then set to follow in the next 18 months. Read more from Caterer & Hotelkeeper  

Top Birmingham chef Glynn Purnell takes on boxing challenge for charity

It'll be a case of Rocky with broccoli when one of the city’s most famous chefs headlines a gala boxing bill.  Glynn Purnell will be swapping oven gloves for those of the boxing variety when he steps into the ring for a charity bout.  The Birmingham restaurant owner hopes his opponent in the April 11 clash will be seeing stars – and not of the Michelin variety. Read more from Birmingham Mail  

Five a day 'not healthy enough'

Five helpings of fruit and vegetables a day may not be enough, new research suggests.  Seven portions every day could have a more protective effect, experts said.  The NHS recommends that every person has five different 80g portions of fruit and vegetables a day. The suggested intake, based on World Health Organisation guidance, can lower the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and obesity, according to NHS Choices. Read more from MSN News  

3D-food printer offers the prospect of hamburgers printed to go 

Much of science fiction becomes science fact some day (faster-than-light travel notwithstanding), and this year seems to be the turn of Star Trek's replicator: a new Kickstarter is $50,000 into its goal to build a 3D-food printer, capable of turning fresh ingredients into a meal without cooks having to get their hands dirty.  The Foodini is described by its manufacturers as "the first 3D-food printer to print all types of real, fresh, nutritious foods, from savory to sweet". Read more from The Guardian  

London's first superyacht hotel makes her way up the River Thames ahead of her grand opening 

London's first superyacht hotel has sailed up the River Thames to take her place in the capital's Royal Victoria docks.  The exclusive 120 metre vessel made her way from Holland across the Channel and into London ahead of her grand opening on April 9.  The unusual new hotel will open with 130 rooms and suites spread over five decks, but guests won't be travelling too far as the boat will stay moored in East London. Read more from Mail Online
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The Staff Canteen

The Staff Canteen

Editor 2nd April 2014

Daily news update: our selection of food and chef news from the worlds press