Lockhart Catering Equipment Sets Its Sights on Net Zero

Simon Britten

Lockhart Catering Equipment

Premium Supplier 6th August 2024
Simon Britten

Lockhart Catering Equipment Sets Its Sights on Net Zero

‘Sustainable Future Programme’ is Lockhart Catering Equipment’s commitment to embed sustainability in every aspect of its business and includes SBTi approved science-based targets for a Net Zero 2050 plan.

As one of the UK’s leading equipment distributors, with over 400 brands and more than 32,000 products in its extensive portfolio, Lockhart has taken responsibility to ensure both its footprint, and that of its’ suppliers are sustainable and continually improving.
Simon Britten, Head of Marketing at Lockhart Catering Equipment explains;
“Everyone understands the importance of sustainability, and it’s even more essential in a business as large as Lockhart Catering Equipment. We are in the fortunate position where we can influence our partners and suppliers to make real, quantifiable changes that will have a domino-effect that benefits the whole supply chain and the entire industry.”
Already ahead of schedule to achieve Net Zero 2050, some of the company’s targets include:
- To be 25% more carbon efficient by 2025.
- To be 50% more carbon efficient by 2030.
- To utilise 100% renewable energy procurement across the Bunzl Group by 2030.
- To ensure that 79% of suppliers have their own science-based emissions targets by 2027.

As a leading distributor working with over 400 suppliers, Lockhart recognises changes are required beyond the company and using its unique position at the centre of the supply chain, Lockhart intends to lead the transition towards a more sustainable future. Launched at its recent Supplier Conference, Lockhart's Supplier Sustainability Roadmap will see suppliers completing a questionnaire outlining their sustainability journey and targets, which will then be reassessed and tracked bi-annually for progress updates.

Success stories will be published in Lockhart Catering Equipment’s recently launched sustainability newsletter – ‘Sustainable Future’ – which aims to inform readers of key environmental topics and contribute to the sustainability conversation gaining momentum and visibility in the foodservice industry. Lockhart’s newly created position of Sustainability Lead – Phoebe Collins – will take responsibility for this project, alongside the transparent tracking and reporting of Lockhart’s progress.
These efforts have already proved successful, as Lockhart is ahead of schedule to become Net Zero and has plans to bring its 2050 target forward. This is thanks to changes such as switching to renewable energy, LED lighting, and renewable fuel across all distribution vehicles. Lockhart has also eliminated single use plastics in 50% of their exclusive brands and 2/3 of their exclusive cutlery brands.

To learn more about Lockhart Catering Equipment please visit www.lockhart.co.uk/sustainability

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