Roast Troncon of Halibut, Braised Barley & Snails

Andrew Fairlie

Andrew Fairlie

17th February 2011
Andrew Fairlie

Roast Troncon of Halibut, Braised Barley & Snails

Halibut is the largest of all flat fish and has a mildly sweet flavour, popular in many chefs recipes. Try the following Roast Troncon of Halibut, Braised Barley & Snails for yourself!


  • 4 170g Troncon of Halibut, skin on and tied.
  • 200g Pear Barley, Braised in Chicken stock with bouquet garni
  • 12 Button Onions, cooked sous vide with butter, sprig of thyme, pinch of sugar.
  • 1 Parsley root, cooked sous vide with butter. Blended.
  • 12 Farmed snails, blanched, cooked in Court Boullion.
  • 20 Roasted and halved Hazelnuts
  • Roasted Garlic Foam
  • Jus Gras (Chicken)
  • Parsley Butter (Fat Duck Method)
  • Parsley Butter
  • 550g Butter
  • 85g Garlic
  • 10g Lemon Juice
  • 50g Dijon Mustard
  • 40g Ground Almonds
  • 15g Salt
  • 240g Curly Parsley washed


Roasted Garlic Foam
Trim the top off a full head of garlic to expose the cloves, sprinkle a generous amount of olive oil over garlic. Place a few sprigs of thyme on top and season.
Place garlic onto an ovenproof tray, cover with tin foil and bake at 180 C for 1 hour. Remove the foil, check that garlic is soft, turn the head over so that the exposed garlic is touching the tray and fry gently till the garlic is golden brown and lightly caramelized. Leave till cool enough to handle, then squeeze out all the soft flesh and pass through a fine sieve, add a few drops of lemon juice and keep till needed.
Take 100ml of snail court bullion to 200ml of milk. Bring to a boil, season and blend with a bamix.
Leave the milk comes down to approx 70 C, then add puree garlic to taste and season.
Soften the butter and mix all ingredients together. Push into a pacco jet container. Freeze overnight to –25.
Turn in the Pacco Jet 4 times, use as soon as you can.
To Finish
Heat a large non-stick frying pan, season the halibut steaks and place into pan over a medium to high heat. When they are golden brown and evenly coloured turn them over. When they start to colour on the over side add a generous spoonful of butter and baste continuously till steaks are almost cooked. At that point add a generous splash of lemon juice, baste another couple of times, remove from the pan and re season. Remove the string and skin.
Deglaze the pan with the jus gras, and pass through a fine sieve.
Heat a few spoonfuls of the barley cooking liquor, add the barley to this and reheat, check for seasoning. The barley should be quite loose in consistency.
Add the parsley butter and fold into the barley.
Cut the onions in half, fry in a little olive oil till golden brown and drain onto a cloth.
Heat a little olive oil in a small saucepan, when hot add the drained snails, fry gently till they start to brown slightly. Add a k**b of butter, wait till it turns golden brown, add the hazelnuts, season and drain onto a cloth.
Heat the parsley root puree and put into a squeezy bottle.
Place a spoonful of the barley onto the centre of a large bowl or plate, squeeze six dots of parsley root puree evenly around.
Place 3 snail and 3 onions onto the puree, scatter the hazelnuts.
Blitz the garlic milk to a foam and place a spoonful in between the snails and onions.
Place the halibut steak on top and pour a little of the jus gras over each steak

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