Mackerel with pickled green figs and gooseberry

David Taylor

David Taylor

6th August 2024
David Taylor

Mackerel with pickled green figs and gooseberry

90 min

A current dish on the menu at Grace and Savour


Fig leaf oil

  • 400g fig leaf
  • 800g oil


  • 2 x mackerel, filleted.

For the apple pickle.

  • 750ml apple juice
  • 375ml white wine vinegar
  • 375g sugar

Apple pickle gel

  • 1litre apple pickle
  • 17g agar agar

Buttermilk Sauce

  • 300ml buttermilk
  • 50g reduced yoghurt whey
  • 50ml Lacto kohlrabi juice
  • Apple pickle

Pickled green figs

  • 2 x Green figs
  • 100ml white wine vinegar
  • 100g sugar
  • 200g water


  • 1 x kohlrabi
  • 200ml water
  • 2% salt


  • Ox eye daisies
  • Bronze fennel tips
  • 4 x Gooseberries


Fig leaf oil

Put fig leaves in a vitamix.
Pour oil into the vitamix with fig leaves and blend on high for 2 minutes.
Pour into a container and leave until the next day before passing.

For the mackerel

Take the mackerel fillets and remove the skin above the blood line.
Cut into fillets by cutting either side of the bones.
Place fillets onto a tray a refrigerate until required.

Apple pickle gel

In a pan, bring to the boil the apple juice, vinegar and sugar to the boil.
Measure out 1 litre into a separate pan and put the rest in the fridge ready for later to pickle the mackerel.
Take the 1 litre of apple pickle and whisk in the agar until fully dissolved.
Return to the heat and bring to the boil, gently simmer, whisking continuously for 1 minute.
Pour into a metal container and set over ice to allow the gel to set. Place in the fridge for 2 hours to get the gel cold.
Once the gel is cold and set firm, blend in a blender until smooth. Pass through a chinois, put some into a bottle and put in the fridge.

Lacto kohlrabi

Peel and thinly slice the kohlrabi on a mandolin.
Place kohlrabi into a vacuum pack bag with the 200ml water and place on to scales.
Add 2% salt of the total weight, so if you have 400g of kohlrabi slices and water add 8g salt.
Mix well and vacuum tight. Leave in a room temperature environment for about a week or until the bag balloons.
Once they have lacto fermented, drain the bags and keep the liquor. Take the kohl rabi and punch small discs and set to one side in the fridge.

Pickled green figs

In a pan, bring to boil the sugar, water and vinegar. Set to one side to cool slightly.
Take the green figs and place in a vacuum pack bag.
Pour over the pickle liquor (around 75 degree in temp)
Leave to cool, before placing in the fridge to go fridge cold. Vacuum seal the bag tight.
Leave for 24 hours minimum to pickle the figs

Buttermilk sauce.

Take the buttermilk and add the reduced yoghurt whey, lacto kohlrabi juice, apple pickle and a pinch of salt.
Adjust the seasoning to get a nice balance of salty, acidic and creamy sauce.

To serve

Collect and pick down bronze fennel and ox eye daisies.
Slice firm under ripe gooseberries into thin slices.
Place mackerel fillets in apple pickle for 1 minute. Remove and place on to a tray to drain.
Season the fillets with salt and lay fillets on to a bowl forming a circle in the centre of the bowl.
Place small dots of apple pickle gel on the fillets.
Cover with the slices of gooseberries and lacto kohlrabi.
Then place over the ox eye daisies with the bronze fennel.
Gently warm the sauce to about 45/50degrees (too hot and the sauce will split and become grainy) split with the fig leaf oil and pour into the centre of the mackerel.

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