Danilo Cortellini

Danilo Cortellini

28th June 2018
Danilo Cortellini



With this recipe, you won’t be able to get stop your friends roaming around your kitchen during the summer months! There is only 1 binding rule to the recipe - use top quality, seasonal ingredients and the job is done. There is no point in going through the process of making your own ice cream if you’ve masked all the different flavours with excess amounts of sugar, am I right?

Chef tips: For this dish, it’s important to make your own ice cream, not only because it’s extremely simple and satisfying, but it’s also a big-money saver. Can you make ice cream without the machine? Yes! Will it be the same result? No! If you are an ice cream lover, I recommend investing in a small compact machine - they can be as cheap as £15. For a lighter alternative to the dish, swap the double cream for yoghurt or single cream. If you have special guests around and are feeling cheffy - try to plate this dessert with fresh strawberry halves, drops of balsamic vinegar and some fresh basil leaves. You’ll be the fanciest host in town!


  • Serve: 8
  • Preparation time: 30 min
  • Cooking time: 5 min
  • Categories: Dessert
  • 350g of fresh strawberries
  • 50g of sugar for the strawberries
  • 50ml of whole milk
  • 50g of sugar for the milk
  • 300g of whipping cream
  • 400g of white chocolate, chopped
  • 20g of pistachios
  • Fresh strawberries to garnish (optional)
  • Basil leaves to garnish (optional)
  • Balsamic vinegar to garnish (optional)


Let’s start with the base for the ice cream: rinse and blend the strawberries and pass it through a fine sieve to get rid of the seeds. Mix the strawberry juice with the sugar in a small pot and heat until all the sugar is dissolved. Now mix the milk and remaining sugar and heat gently. Once ready, cool both mixtures, combine them and set aside.
Now, whip the cream until it reaches a firm but still soft (not too stiff) consistency and incorporate into the strawberry mixture with a rubber spatula. Pour the ice cream base into the ice cream machine and keep the machine going until it’s ready.
If you do not have ice cream lolly moulds, you can use any other silicone mould that you can find - as long as you can put a little wooden stick in it and take them out of the moulds once frozen, you will be fine. Fill the moulds with the creamy ice cream mixture and quickly insert the wooden sticks in the moulds. Put the moulds in the freezer for a few hours until very firm.
Melt the white chocolate over a bain-marie or alternatively, in the microwave. Remember whichever method you’re using, white chocolate is very tricky, be gentle with the heat. If on bain-marie never boil, always simmer while mixing. If using a microwave, use a low power setting and stop to mix the chocolate every 30 seconds. It is important to take the chocolate away from the heat just before it has all melted - the residual heat will melt the remaining bigger pieces.
Once the chocolate is smooth and melted, take the frozen lollies and quickly dip them in the smooth chocolate. If possible, use a tall container for this, so the chocolate coating can be as thin as possible. Once the surface of your lollies are all covered, quickly sprinkle them with chopped pistachios before the chocolate solidifies, and them put the back in the freezer.
You can store these in your freezer for weeks so they’re on hand and ready to be enjoyed at any time!
Take the ice creams out of the freezer 10 minutes before eating for a creamier texture.

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