Choux Pastry

Joakim Prat

Joakim Prat

14th September 2016
Joakim Prat

Choux Pastry

Choux Pastry (45 pieces) - We are listing all the ingredients in order of use during the recipes to give you a clearer view of the process from the start. In order to make things easier for yourself and minimize potential mistakes, weigh and prepare each ingredient in its own bowl before you begin.


  • Before we start, please preheat your oven at 180 degrees, fan off, minimum humidity setting.
  • • 200g whole milk
  • • 300g water
  • • 240g butter
  • • 10g sugar
  • • 8g salt
  • • 375g Flour
  • • 500g of eggs (approx. 10 eggs)


Bring to boil the milk, water, butter, sugar and salt and watch over the pan. AS SOON AS IT IS BOILING, add the flour and stir firmly with the spatula for one minute or so, until the mix doesn’t stick to the sides of the pan any more. When it does not stick to the sides of the pan any more it means it is ready.
Now take the pan off the heat and add the eggs little by little and one by one until the mix is smooth but not too runny. The hard part in making choux pastry for an untrained eye is in this step: if the mix is too thick it needs more eggs, however the eggs must be added slowly as if it becomes too runny then it will not raise in the oven.
Chef’s tip: Trace a deep line into the choux pastry with your spatula. If the line closes up slowly, then it’s ready!
Transfer the choux pastry into your pastry bag and pipe into an éclair shape. Do not pipe them too close together as they need space to rise Then keep inside the oven at 180c for 35 minutes until golden.

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