'A role to suit every path': Over-50s turning to hospitality for career change

The Staff Canteen

The hospitality industry is proving a popular choice for over-50s seeking a career change, a new survey has revealed.

Research by Hilton and Savanta show almost three quarters (73%) of people asked, over the age of 50, would consider a change of career to facilitate travel plans.

Burnout from their current office-based role (34%) and a desire to challenge themselves in a new environment (75%) are also some of the key drivers of a desire for change.

For one in three over-50s (33%), the hospitality industry proved to be a popular choice due to the flexible working hours (45%), the social nature of the industry (30%) and a desire to take on a more active role (35%).  

The figures are revealed as Hilton have announced plans to fill almost 400 job vacancies across the UK and help over-50s back into work.

Spanning hotels across the country, jobs are available in departments including food and beverage, front office, housekeeping, culinary, engineering and events.

Hilton, hospitality jobs

For many over-50s, research suggests seeing their children fly the nest has created more space to pursue a new path. More than a quarter (26%) of those who have children are looking to increase their working hours or change career paths now that their kids have left home.  

Other advantages of the hospitality industry cited include the customer-facing nature of roles (42%), working with others of different ages (39%) and opportunities to take on a more active, less sedentary role (35%).

The social nature of the industry was also noted as one of the main benefits for almost a third of people (30%), with almost one in five (19%) over-50s looking for opportunities to work in a more sociable environment. 

Steve Cassidy, senior vice president and managing director, UK&I, Hilton said: “With most working lives stretching through several decades, people are increasingly exploring a second career later in life.

“This growing trend is leading to an upsurge in demand for roles that offer something wholly different – and hospitality has a role to suit every path – whether that’s more flexibility to travel, a more active working life away from a traditional desk job, or a pathway back into work after a period of looking after family members.” 

Hilton is hosting an event at The Waldorf Hilton, London on September 30, where attendees will have the opportunity to meet people from more than 15 hotels, with on-the-spot interview opportunities available and a series of talks exploring topics including intergenerational working and apprenticeships, aimed at those interested in a career change or return to work later in life. 

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The Staff Canteen

Editor 11th September 2024

'A role to suit every path': Over-50s turning to hospitality for career change