Sandwichgate: The Staff Canteen investigates

The Staff Canteen

Editor 11th November 2014

This week, The Daily Mail has shocked us all when they asked the question: Is there no-one left in Britain who can make a sandwich? The reaction on social media was one of universal mockery as the people of the UK sent in their pictures of weird and wonderfully inadequate sandwiches. Here's our top 5 from sandwichgate:

First up, it's the Jeremy Clarkson sandwich:

Next, it's the condiment sandwich:

Now we've gone for this wonderfully simple but effective sandwich:


Here's one of the more provocative sandwiches:

Finally, we've got a display of genuinely inept sandwich-making:


So what do you think? Have we lost the ability to make a sandwich or was the twittersphere right to ridicule The Mail's headline?

Get in touch via @canteentweets using #sandwichgate

By Tom Evans
