Kilimanjaro chefs reach summit

The Staff Canteen

Editor 28th August 2013

[caption id="attachment_173188" align="aligncenter" width="470" caption="The team on their climb to the summit"][/caption]

A team of top chefs and industry professionals led by Ashley Palmer-Watts of Dinner by Heston Blumenthal has reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa after six gruelling days of climbing.

The team includes John Freeman, head chef of Restaurant Sat Bains, Paul Foster, head chef of Tuddenham Mill, Paulo de Tarso, senior maitre D' at Bar Boulud London and Ashley Palmer-Watts as well as Paul Gwilliams, the team's professional cameraman.

Kilimanjaro, standing at 5,895 metres, is the tallest peak in Africa and the team had to overcome extreme physical hardship as well as altitude sickness and periods of difficult and dangerous rock climbing. Only 41% of all who attempt the climb make it to the peak.

The trek was in aid of Farm Africa, a charity which helps poor farmers in eastern Africa by providing them with techniques to improve their harvests, sustain their natural resources and reduce their need for aid.

The chefs are hoping to raise £50,000 towards the charity through sponsorship of their trek and through other fund raising events such as the five-a-side chefs football tournament organised by Paul Foster in Cambridge in July which The Staff Canteen covered.

The team has currently raised over £47,000 and just need a small extra nudge to push them over the £50,000 target. They also have the arduous task of descending the mountain tomorrow which they aim to do in just one day, covering the same distance it took them six days to climb.

See more of the details of the team's climb on their live blog on the Farm Africa website.

And click here to help them reach their target of £50,000