Dining Blind with Maison Blanc for this year’s London without Limits Festival

The Staff Canteen

Editor 29th September 2014

Hampstead’s Maison Blanc is supporting the Royal London Society for Blind People (RLSB) by inviting customers to test their taste buds without the benefit of sight.

As part of the first ever London without Limits Festival, which started on the 25th of this month, the festival sees a series of surprising, sensory and sociable blindfold events across London with Maison Blanc joining in to raise awareness of RLSB.

Completely blindfolded, customers will be asked to determine as many flavours as possible from a selection of artisanal Maison Blanc desserts.  Each customer who guesses correctly will be entered into a prize draw to win an Afternoon Tea for two at any Maison Blanc store.

Tom Pey, chief executive at RLSB says: “London without Limits is a new and exciting venture for us and we want to make this a festival to remember. People joining in will have fun and undergo sensory experiences that will challenge their everyday perceptions.

Hampstead store manager Alicja Krasowska says: “At Maison Blanc, we love to get involved with great charities such as these. The Royal Society for the Blind do such important work and we’re so excited to be involved with the first ever London without Limits Festival.

"It’ll be a fantastic opportunity to meet more of the locals as well as working towards such a worthy cause”.

To get involved, head into Maison Blanc on Hampstead High Street from 29th September until 12th October. Simply pop on a blindfold and have a go! It’ll be a deliciously fun way of contributing to a wonderful cause.

More information about the festival here.