Daily news round up: our selection of food and chef news from the world's press

The Staff Canteen

Editor 5th September 2013

Head chef and opening date confirmed for Ramsay and Beckham restaurant

Union Street Café, the long-awaited restaurant from the Gordon Ramsay Group backed by David Beckham, has unveiled the chef that will be heading up the venue and the dishes that will be on offer when it opens near Borough Market later this month.

Read more from Big Hospitality


Chef slashes waiter with 12 inch meat knife

A chef has slashed a colleague across the stomach after a disagreement at a restaurant in Staffordshire. According to the Wolverhampton Express & Star Mohibul Babul attacked waiter Nazim Miah with a 12 inch meat knife at the Easter memories restaurant in Bridgtown, Cannock.

Read more from Caterer and Hotelkeeper


Michelin Chef Posts Mocked-Up Picture Of Himself Holding Up Food Critic's Severed Head

Michelin chef Oliver Dunne didn't take too kindly to a review in the Irish Independent by well known food critic Lucinda O'Sullivan. After she posted a critical review of his Dublin restaurant Cleaver East that included gripes about the tasting menu and a card transaction at the end, Dunne posted a photoshopped picture of himself and a colleague holding up her 'severed' head on Twitter.

Read more from Huffington Post


The woman who eats dog food for a living

While the mere thought of eating dog food is enough to turn most people's stomachs, Lucy Postins, originally from the UK but now based in San Diego, USA, says she absolutely loves her job.

Read more from Mail Online