Market Report - UK Seasonal update 6 May 2013

The Staff Canteen

Editor 7th May 2013

In association with


Hello all,

I am chomping at the bit for Summer produce…so here’s a sketch of “signature” Wild Harvest plant and fungal lines due to kick off in the months of May, June and July.

They’ll be some impromptu new additions to keep our updates fuelled for sure, but here’s what’s likely to happen throughout the month…

Forecasted .....




Actuals .....

Wild Mushrooms

MV has just got off the phone to one of Rungis biggest mushroom wholesalers.

Bear in mind all they really sell are wild mushrooms.

Nothing to offer whatsoever.

Worst situation in 10 years of trading.

The natural conclusion of the US & Portugeuse seasons coupled with 32 degrees of heat in Bulgaria and Turkey have spoilt everyone’s fun.

Good job we have more strings to our bow than a lively cellist.

Next week we fight for scraps until temperatures cool.

South African ceps and Bulgarian morels secured for Tuesday 1st.


Summer truffle prices will drop by Wednesday and quality improves.


Venezuelan mangoes are a fine substitute for disappointing alfonsos.

Gariguettes improve and supply is steady.


The very popular ice radish or baby daikon/mooli returns to our shores.

Baby purple and candied (aka choggia) beet also joins the party.

One of my top 10 foraged goods, sweet cicely, is a week off from the fresh air of the Scottish Highlands.

Use the sweet aniseed flavour from the stalk to sweeten rhubarb, the leaf fronds for elegant garnish and towards the end of the season the seed pods as a spice for fish dishes.

Just got hold of a very throaty French lady who informs me they are waiting each day for wild asparagus, and expect to see it next week. I left her to finish her filter-less cigarette.

New Sicoly Lines

Bergamot puree

We love this flavour at Wild Harvest, and deal with the citrus derived Earl Grey tea botanical in many forms.

This natural unsweetened puree is a welcome tangy addition.

Lemon juice

Use it where you would lemon juice.

Far more convenient and stable flavour-wise than a non frozen version.

Here’s a lift from the website:-

SICOLY’s frozen pure pressed lemon juice is made from lemons grown in Spain. They are harvested ripe and then pressed in situ in order to achieve optimum quality.

The juice is then heat treated by an ultra-fast process in order to conserve all the organoleptic qualities. It is then packaged.

Crushed lemon

For when you need the zesty flavour of the whole lemon such as a classic tarte citron.

SICOLY’s frozen and sweetened crushed lemon purée is made from trimmed lemons that are crushed whole, producing a very pulped and textured fruit purée containing lemon zest.

The trimmed lemons are selected and then processed into fruit purée here in our production facilities.

Raspberry and exotic fruit coulis

Once defrosted ready to pipe on the plate.

Exotic fruit contains 92% mango and passion fruit.

Raspberry contains 85% raspberry

The missing %’s are made up of just enough sugar to enhance the flavour and xanthan gum to thicken your artistic swirls.

Have a great week