Chef Ben Tish creates pork belly, roasted halibut and brown butter panna cotta recipes

The Staff Canteen

Editor 19th November 2013

In association with

Dear chefs,

Five fun-packed, festive, fevered, full weeks of trading until we come up for air and celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.

Wild Mushrooms


White truffles are still excellent and at a good price.

Autumn truffles continue, but I suspect we will wash our hands of them come December and the start of the mighty Perigord season.


Time for a bit of citrus focus. As common a condiment as salt and pepper in today’s cuisine, here are just some of the fresh and preserved lines gracing our premises in New Covent Garden Market.

I guess it shows an impatient and gluttonous nature, but it would be nice to have decent blood and Seville oranges join the party. I guess you need to save some interest for January.


No real shift here from previous weeks’ updates. As a reminder, here is what we had to report last week:

Also notable - crosnes (aka Japanese artichoke) prices have come down and mild conditions mean that our mighty offering remains intact.

Caviar Promotion for Holiday Season

Whilst other suppliers may be ramping up caviar prices for Christmas and New Year, we will be discounting our consistently excellent farmed oscietra to encourage decadence.

As usual, this is just a smattering of what we have on offer. Call in on 0207498 5397 to speak to the team about what other treats we have  in store for you today.


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