Market Report Sponsored by Oakleaf European Newsletter # 37

The Staff Canteen

Editor 22nd July 2011

Kindly supplied by Oakleaf European

An exciting new take on Live from Rungis

Fruit & Mushroom

An attractive display that captures the moment - some late apricots that have a fantastic blush and the start of the Muscat de Hambourg grape season. It is a variety that is renown for its intense flavour. Other French grapes include Prima and the white Ora but this is not as appealing as either Vittoria or Italia from Italy. The bad news is in soft fruit where figs in particular are very difficult. The second crop from Spain is small and dry at the moment and the French are being bombarded by storms and connot be picked either! The good news is that Tulamine from Gourmandine are increasing a little in quantity. Melons continue to be good, especially orange fleshed ones. Again the rain is taking its toll on growth and harvesting but so far so good. Some marques of yellow melon are superb and very sweet. Sea-freight limes and pineapples seem to rise in price each week but other exotics are good and the prices stable.

Vegetables &  Salads

As we mentioned in the last Newsletter, the season for Red Label Lautrec garlic was about to start and the good news is that it has! It is the only garlic that can be sold under this accreditation. From the same family, we must now say goodbye to the sweet, red Tropea onion from Italy which has been replaced by a more traditional red onion. It may sound odd in July but with all the poor weather this month some of my favourite products are the coloured roots - both beetroot and carrot. Our local grower continues to offer his fantastic selection of carrots, but the Brittany farmers have started their harvest too. Shelling beans are proving popular too with Coco Paimpol now in full season and the Borlotti which should be with us for another month. Artichokes continue to be a great seasonal product and a firm favourite with this buyer. Large globe Castel in a calibre 13 right down to the baby bunched violet ones. If your summer menu does not match the weather, why not try the first of the pumpkins?

 Featured Products

Not wishing to labour the point too much, but the best girolle mushroom of the year (Scottish!) is with us. After the very large bouquet lychee we offered from Thailand come these great tasting ones from Israel. They are a good size too. Greengages are getting better each week. These are hand selected 40+ and are packed full of sweet flavour - usually 18% brix or higher Muscat grape has a dark berry and a deep flavour that hangs around in the mouth. It will, thankfully, be with us for many months. Individually packed colours of carrot - these are purple carrots but they still have an orange interior making for a pretty slice. French summer sweet peppers. Long and juicy they are refreshing and ideal for summer menus. Beautiful chard from a grower in the Parisian basin that we also use for his leafy celery. A product that is really in it's prime at the moment - baby bunched artichokes. Great value for great quality! You may or may not know that we now offer a full range of Valrhona Chocolate-see our Patisserie section for more details Baleine salt is one of our more popular offerings in the salt section coming in 5kg tubs we offer it in both fine and course grain Sausages are very popular at this time of year and we list a good range - one of the most popular is the Toulouse We offer many different types of duck ..the Barbary Canette from Dombe above comes oven ready or with offal.