Member of the Month June 2024: Stephen Mackay

The Staff Canteen

Editor 1st July 2024

Here at The Staff Canteen, we feature a different member every month we think deserves to be celebrated - this month’s winner is Stephen Mackay.

As thanks for being a regular contributor to The Staff Canteen, Stephen will receive an item of TSC merch, a TSC mug and will be entered in our Member of the Year 2024 competition. 

Member of the Month feature is brought to you in association with The Staff Canteen App, CHEF+ (available on IOS and Android)

Stephen has been a member of The Staff Canteen since January 2008.

>>> Find out more about Stephen and follow him 

Current Place Of Work/Position?

Sous chef at Ardanaiseig Hotel in Kilchrenan by Taynuilt, Argyle and Bute

What is your cooking style and what should people expect from the food on your menu?

Cooking local Scottish food is my passion.  The menu is all based on local meat and fish.

What is your favourite dish to cook and why?

I love cooking lamb, venison and any fish.

Name a food item/dish/ingredient that isn’t considered “cheffy” but that you love to eat

My fave Dish is PeaSouper. It's a Scotch Pie in a bowl of Pea soup.

What do you like about The Staff Canteen app and website?

I like the App so I can see what's going on out there with other awesome chefs and get great ideas.

What are your plans for the future?

Future plans. None really just enjoy and keep learning.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learnt as a chef?

Listen; Learn; Respect and have fun doing it!